Tuesday, July 11, 2017

To Be Fair, He Is Quite Old And Being Principled Is Very Tiring.

News Item: Sen. Orrin Hatch calls Donald Trump Jr.’s email story ‘overblown’

Sen. Orrin Hatch, the former chairman of the Senate Intelligence and Judiciary committees, said Tuesday that emails showing Donald Trump Jr. knowingly met with a Russian lawyer promising information to "incriminate" Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was "overblown" and defended President Donald Trump's son as an "honorable" person.
Hatch said Trump Jr. didn't have any role in the administration and that it absolves the Trump White House of any wrongdoing.
Additional Item: Utah Republicans lash out at Clinton in wake of FBI announcement
Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said, "FBI Director Comey's statement made clear that Hillary Clinton's unauthorized actions risked revealing classified information and endangered our national security. Even if this case is not formally prosecuted in court, it is yet another reminder that the Clintons consider themselves above the law and refuse to play by the same rules as the rest of us."

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