Wednesday, July 12, 2017

News Item: Utah’s Mike Lee compares Obamacare to car insurance in online town hall discussing health care bill

The Difference Is, You Won't Die If You Can't Afford Car Insurance
"Imagine if car insurance companies were required to charge everyone the same car insurance rate regardless of how likely they were to get into an accident," [Lee] said. "Those of you who are older and perhaps have good driving records — no tickets, no accidents — would be forced to pay higher insurance premiums. You'd, in effect, be subsidizing younger and riskier drivers while not receiving a reward for your safe driving. This is sort of like what's happening under Obamacare."
With the current health care system, the senator said, healthy, middle-class families are burdened with the costs of covering sicker individuals who need more care. His proposal would instead lump those with pre-existing conditions and specialized needs into a segregated risk pool while freeing up other individuals to select less expensive plans.
Link to Full Story 

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